Terry Bogard’s Rising Tackle confirmed as Dragon Punch motion, here’s a preview of his move listing in Street Fighter 6

Terry Bogard's Rising Tackle confirmed as Dragon Punch motion, here's a preview of his move listing in Street Fighter 6

Terry Bogard’s gameplay trailer for Street Fighter 6 was finally revealed yesterday. Shortly afterwards, we learned that Terry will have access to seven different special moves upon his release.

As expected, Rising Tackle is among the specials that will be making a return on September 24. However, it turns out that Capcom has implemented an interesting change to this iconic special.

With Terry being playable at Gamescom 2024, players present at the event have early access to the fighter. Needless to say, fans were quick to hit the pause menu to few his move listings.

Though the Rising Tackle has typically been a charge motion, its inputs are now identical to Ryu and Ken’s Dragon Punch technique. Indeed, this means that players will have to press forward, down-forward, down, and punch to perform the Rising Tackle.

Of course, it’s worth mentioning that this particular special is accessible with the Dragon Punch motion in The King of Fighters ’96, The King of Fighters ’97, The King of Fighters ’98, The King of Fighters 15, and Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves. So this isn’t exactly a new thing even if it more commonly utilizes the charge motion inputs, though not recently.

Thanks to Joe Higashi, we also have the inputs for Terry’s other special moves, target combos, and super arts. This makes up the majority of Terry’s moveset in Street Fighter 6.

Check it all out below:

Terry Bogard's move listings preview image #1

Terry Bogard's move listings preview image #2

Terry Bogard's move listings preview image #3

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