Terry Bogard has so many references to his source material in Street Fighter 6, here’s a comprehensive look at everything from his trailer

Terry Bogard has so many references to his source material in Street Fighter 6, here's a comprehensive look at everything from his trailer

Terry Bogard is coming to Street Fighter 6 as the mainline series’ first ever guest character. The Fatal Fury / King of Fighters combatant has a long legacy in fighting games, and based on the Terry gameplay trailer we just saw earlier this week, it looks like his transition into the world of Street Fighter is going to be a smooth one.

Street Fighter 6’s developers have put a ton of attention to detail into their own characters so far, with some of the latest DLC contenders having tons of references and Easter eggs pointing to past games. The same can be said for Terry, but even moreso, and this comprehensive comparison between Terry’s new Street Fighter 6 gameplay trailer and his source material show just how much love and detail went into developing him for Capcom’s latest fighting title.

YouTube user Orpheus created a fantastic comparison video that walks viewers through everything we saw in the SF6 trailer that stemmed from other games. Inspiration was pulled from several titles, including King of Fighters ’99, King of Fighters 2002 UM, KOF15, Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, and Garou: Mark of the Wolves.

Right from the very beginning of Terry’s new trailer we see references to past SNK titles. The Pão Pão Café stage is a backdrop that has been used in more fighting game franchises than any other stage, and it returns here in Street Fighter 6 to act as Terry’s official battleground.

From his intro to nearly every normal attack, Terry has what appear to be meticulously thought out references to several of the other games he’s made appearances in. Even maneuvers like his regular throws in Street Fighter 6, which feature multiple actions, are comprised of different attacks from King of Fighters ’99.

Some of his combos are also identical to other titles, as we see things like crouching light kick, crouching light punch into Quick Burn play out in tandem across both Street Fighter 6 and KOF2002UM.

Some of these connections are so close, in fact, that players are jumping into older games where Terry is a playable character to “train” and get familiar with the maneuvers he’ll be doing in Street Fighter 6.

Capcom really has done an amazing job with fleshing this fighter out and making him jam packed with references and call backs that longtime fans of Fatal Fury and KOF will undoubtedly be happy to see.

We’ll all be able to experience all of these great references and the might that is Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6 when he officially launches on September 24.
