Terry Bogard has an ability that’s common among top tiers in Street Fighter 6, but it wasn’t shown in his trailer

Terry Bogard has an ability that's common among top tiers in Street Fighter 6, but it wasn't shown in his trailer

The fighting game community’s eyes have been glued to the major content revealed at Gamescom 2024 this week as Capcom has finally unveiled what all Terry Bogard’s gameplay looks like in Street Fighter 6. Prominent creators in the community were quick to jump in and make analysis videos breaking down everything they could regarding the upcoming guest character in Capcom’s AAA fighting game, but one thing was noticeably missing from his gameplay trailer.

Among all of the effective tools Capcom showed for Terry in Street Fighter 6, there was one glaring omission that had many of us wondering… does Terry have the ability to cancel his crouching medium kick into Drive Rush? According to some new footage of Terry from the Gamescom show floor, we can now confirm that he indeed has the ever powerful technique in-game.

Within his gameplay trailer, we saw that Terry comes equipped with several things that top tiers tend to have in Street Fighter 6. He has what look to be strong corner carry capabilities, a ton of combo options, a built in overhead mix up with Quick Burn, several strong looking normal attacks, and much more.

However, we never quite saw him go for crouching medium kick into Drive Rush cancel. This is something that the majority of top tier characters in Street Fighter 6 tend to have and is a tactic that is very widely used by pros at the highest levels.

In the trailer, we only ever saw Terry cancel his crouching medium kick into target combo, which left fans wondering if he’d ultimately have this strong ability at his disposal or if he’d be another name on the list of those who don’t. It turns out that he indeed does have a Drive Rush cancel-able crouching medium kick.

A brief clip from Twitter user Tanovan taken from the Gamescom demo build featuring Terry provides proof that the Fatal Fury guest can indeed cancel his crouching medium kick into Drive Rush. The footage shows the round start between two Terry players as one advances toward the other, hits a couple of crouching medium kicks, then cancels the second one on block right into Drive Rush.

Why this is significant is because characters who have a low hitting attack like crouching medium kick that can be Drive Rush cancelled essentially have a very strong footsies tool at their disposal. They can pressure in neutral with the normal attack, and when they see that they’ve made proper contact can cancel right into Drive Rush for not only damage, but corner carry.

This is something we see out of a lot of top tiers like Ken, Akuma, Luke, Rashid, Cammy, and more, but it is worth noting that the crouching medium kick used in this scenario has to have decent range for a fighter to take advantage of this tactic. The top tier characters who do have this option tend to have very good reach on this normal, but a lower tier like Lily has far too little range on her Drive Rush cancel-able crouching MK for it to be used effectively in this way.

Based on the trailer footage we’ve seen, it does look like Terry’s cr. MK has some solid range on it, so there’s a good chance he’ll be able to utilize this top tier trait in battle when he launches on September 24. That being said, we’ll need to get some hands-on time with him first before we can know for sure.
