TECHQUERY : Tech media brand berths in Calabar, promises to influence lives positively

TECHQUERY : Tech media brand berths in Calabar, promises to influence lives positively
TechQuery CEO, Miss Uhegwu addressing the audience yesterday at the launch 
Efio-Ita Nyok|10 December 2017

A technology media company with brand identity as, TechQuery, launched its website, Saturday, NegroidHaven has garnered. The online repository floated its online presence in Calabar, Cross River State capital city. 
According to the CEO of TechQuery, Miss Deborah Inyamah Uhegwu, the brand aims at improving the lives of Africans and third world countries. While addressing the audience at the Calabar venue of the launch, she said : ‘This is our passion: to transform the lives of Africans and other third-world countries through technology information’. In the website under the ‘Passion’ section, it was observed that, ‘The African society prides itself on hard manual labor and a difficult perspective on life. For the love we have for our people, we set out to bring technologies and technology thinking to form part of our culture. We will educate, inform, and guide our people until technology thinking is formed in our culture. We will bring products and services that can transfer our lives and the lives of over 1(one) billion Africans’. Transformation is central in their life philosophy. 
Surfing through reveals that there are six categories including : *Innovation 
*How To and 
With these exquisite categories, every gist about technology and tech-related information is exhausted. 
TECHQUERY : Tech media brand berths in Calabar, promises to influence lives positively
L-R : Mr Umana the chief launcher, Miss Uhegwu and Mr Ikakke Bassey of Skil-Hub 

TECHQUERY : Tech media brand berths in Calabar, promises to influence lives positively

TECHQUERY : Tech media brand berths in Calabar, promises to influence lives positively
It’s selfie time… 

TECHQUERY : Tech media brand berths in Calabar, promises to influence lives positively

TECHQUERY : Tech media brand berths in Calabar, promises to influence lives positively
Mr Umana unveiling the brand 

Under the ‘About Us’ section, it goes thus : ‘Techquery brings consumer technology that makes you the best at what you do. We find out technology innovations, breakthrough, breath-taking creation and solutions that elevate your living. We inform and guide you on how and where to buy your life-changing tech’.
Miss Uhegwu further informed that the social media handles of are :,
Twitter : @Techquery_
YouTube : techquery tv 
IG : techquery 
Present at the occasion were Mr Inyang Umana the chief launcher, CEO of Skilhub Mr Ikakke Bassey, the press etc. 
Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of NegroidHaven