TECHNOLOGY: Apple Watch; To Start Selling in April

TECHNOLOGY: Apple Watch; To Start Selling in April

By Eyizle Ene-Okon

Apple’s first wearable gadget, the Apple Watch, will begin shipping in

April, the company’s CEO revealed on Tuesday the 27th of January 2015.

The Apple Watch, having debuted alongside the wildly successful iPhone

6, is the first new category for Apple since the introduction of the

iPad in 2010.

The device will start at $349 for the most basic version and go up from there.

The question now will be; will it be a muti-purposed gadget? or just

an ordinary watch like the swiss watch and other of its kind

performing the nornal watchy fucntion.

But when it comes to one of the world leading Electronic ICT company,

I think Apple will showcase what ‘Apple’ knows how to do best.