Surround Yourself with the Right Circle of Influence – The US Times

While building my business, many of my friends and associates were in master’s programs or pursuing various degrees. I decided that I needed to go in a different direction and build my business. When my friends graduated with master’s degrees and started their careers at forty thousand dollars a year, I generated mid-six figures in my business. I realized that socially I was isolated because I had no one who could understand what my life was like due to my accomplishments in business. In those years of success, I had no circle of individuals to provide me with the support I needed.

In pursuing your business aspirations, you need to ask yourself, who’s in my circle of supporters? What type of people is feeding your mind and emotions to remain focused? Who is influencing your decisions concerning your business? I learned not to take advice in business from those who haven’t been where I am going. I hear everyone, but I listen to very few. Your circle of influence needs to be primarily individuals where you become a student when in their company. The fastest way to get ahead is to take notes from those ahead of you and then implement what you’ve learned.

For example, I hear many say that they will have a million-dollar business, but all of their business associates and connections have never earned more than $100,000 per year. It is equally important to evaluate your social circle because being the only one who’s a certain economic status will create another dynamic among your friends. It is a reality that those within a particular financial level think, live, and function differently. When you decide your direction, it is essential to understand that everyone would have already accomplished it if it were easy.

Dr. Nathan Culver, understands the importance of a supportive circle of influence in the business world. As a financial strategist with 20 years of experience in accounting, he supports entrepreneurs, corporations, and organizations wanting to build profitable entities. He has worked with companies ranging in revenue from 100k to 800 million annually and is qualified to help entrepreneurs succeed. He is the author of the book, “Where Did The Money Go,” where he provides solid strategies that empower entrepreneurs to develop a clear financial path to multi-six and seven-figure status. As the CEO of Culver Consulting Firm LLC, a division of Culver Enterprises, he focuses on empowering individuals to become impactful in their industry.

If you’re interested in learning more about Dr. Nathan Culver and his work as a financial strategist, you can visit his website at or tune in to his show, “Mastery Talks with Dr. Nathan Culver,” on He also maintains an active presence on social media, with Twitter (@drnathanculver), Instagram (@drnathanculver), LinkedIn (@drnathanculver), and Facebook (@drnathanculver) accounts. If you’re looking to work directly with Dr. Culver, you can book a consultation with him at
