Sunday Live: World Economic Forum Has Publicly Admitted They Are Losing War Against Humanity — Tune in to Learn Why This is So Important for Saving Our World!

Sunday Live: World Economic Forum Has Publicly Admitted They Are Losing War Against Humanity — Tune in to Learn Why This is So Important for Saving Our World!
Ron DeSantis has made the smart move and stepped down days before the New Hampshire primary — tune in and share this link now!

Alex Jones breaks down how the WEF is beginning to face the reality they’re losing their war against humanity as We The People reassert control over the flow of information. Roger Stone also joins us to discuss Ron DeSantis dropping out of the 2024 race and how his prediction that Big Mike will enter the race is set to come true. Tune in!

Tune into this live broadcast at MadMaxWorld.TV and spread the word!
