The status of Karin, Sakura, Lucia, R. Mika, Maki, Ibuki, Makoto, Akira, Maki and more in Street Fighter 6’s timeline
If you’re curious how a large portion of Street Fighter’s female cast are doing, Street Fighter 6’s director, Takayuki Nakayama, shared a ton of updates recently.
Nakayama discusses Karin, Sakura, Lucia, R. Mika, Maki, Ibuki, Makoto, Akira, Maki and throws in a bit on if Chun-Li, Juri and Mai Shiranui are all the same age.
There are quite a few details here, which help give context to these past cast members, if or when they show up in Street Fighter 6. Regardless, it’s nice to know where the following characters are at in the latest game’s timeline.
Karin, R. Mika and Nadeshiko
First up is Karin, where a fan wondered what she was up to after the events of Street Fighter 5.
“She continues to lead the Kanzuki group after the ‘A Shadow Falls’ story. She is smart, dynamic, and well-funded. Very dependable leader,” wrote Nakayama.
He was then asked if Karin is still R. Mika’s sponsor. “Sure. She would still support Mika,” said Nakayama.
The next question was if Mika and Nadeshiko are still friends.
“Nadeshiko has become a fine athlete and even has a wrestling match with Mika (Best friends, of course),” stated Nakayama.
Sakura, Akira and Ibuki
The next question was about how Sakura knew to invite Akira to Karin’s party in the previous game.
“Sakura has a keen intuition(That may be the case though)The girls are staying in touch,” Nakayama said.
Street Fighter 6’s director was then asked what the Rival Schools guest character Akira was up to.
“I wonder what’s going on? It would be nice to contemplate. (Though of course the worlds are connected.) She was a guest in Street Fighter 5, so I don’t know much more than that,” he said.
A fan asked if Ibuki ever got to take a normal college course after her ending in Third Strike.
“That ending is interesting. I love it. I don’t think her normal college life is going well for her,” noted Nakayama.
Makoto, Lucia and Maki
Throwing in one male Street Fighter character into the mix, the next question covers Alex and Makoto.
“Alex is active in wrestling. Makoto has taken over the dojo (Rindou-kan) and is active. They are similar in that they never neglect self-discipline,” Nakayama said.
Next, we touch on a couple of Final Fight characters, starting first with Lucia and then Maki.
“Lucia is, of course, in Metro City. She’s probably eating Instant Noodles again today,” he wrote.
“Maki is doing well. She goes back and forth between Japan and Metro City. It seems she has an apprentice she is taking care of,” noted Nakayama.
Are Chun-Li, Juri and Mai Shiranui the same age?
Closing this out, Nakayama addressed if three of the most popular females in all of fighting games are the same age.
“They are close in age but not the same age. Mai and Juri have the same birthday,” he said.
Nakayama was then asked if he can share these character’s birthdays.
“It is a secret known only to the members of the development team,” concluded Nakayama on X.
Source: Event Hubs