Street Fighter 6 tier list determines the biggest winners and losers of the newest patch by VesperArcade

Street Fighter 6 tier list determines the biggest winners and losers of the newest patch by VesperArcade

The December 2024 patch for Street Fighter 6 was released not too long ago. This ended up being a pretty major update considering that every character currently in the game received some changes.

Many of the top tiers were toned down while those that were struggling in the meta received some beneficial changes. VesperArcade recently released a new video detailing his biggest winners and losers of the patch.

Rashid, Ken, and Zangief sit at the top of VesperArcade’s winners and losers tier list in the “Untouchable” category. Those these fighters did receive some nerfs, they’re basically functioning the same as before. In other words, these combatants are likely to still be prevalent in the new meta.

Ed and Cammy weren’t so lucky as they both received substantial nerfs. As a result, they’ve both been labeled as being the biggest losers of this latest patch.

Akuma and M. Bison, the last DLC challenger of Season 1 and the first DLC challenger of Season 2 respectively, both also saw a reduction in their power levels. However, they weren’t hit quite as hard as Ed and Cammy, so they’ll likely still see usage at upcoming tournaments.

In terms of the characters that received the most buffs, Kimberly, Luke, Ryu, and Terry Bogard appear to be big winners right now. We’ll just have to see if these changes will be able to affect their game plans enough to make a difference.

Check it all out below:

VesperArcade's SF6 Winners and Losers Tiers image #1

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