Street Fighter 6 server maintenance going down tonight for new update starting at 7 pm PT

Street Fighter 6 server maintenance going down tonight for new update starting at 7 pm PT

Update: Street Fighter 6’s server maintenance period is now underway, and we’ve updated this story with some new information about what will be added to the game with the new patch.

We’re still a bit over three weeks away from the release of Terry Bogard as the first guest character in Street Fighter 6 ever, but it looks like players will be starting out the month with an update at least.

Capcom has confirmed that server maintenance is going to hit Street Fighter 6 tonight, September 1, for a new Version 1.0620.000 patch.

As previously stated, SF6’s servers will be going down starting at 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. ET.

The downtime is said to last for upwards of five hours, which would put the return time at approximately 12 a.m. PT / 3 a.m. ET, though it could be up earlier or later depending on the circumstances.

• Sunday, September 1 – 7 p.m. – 12 a.m. PDT

• Monday, September 2 – 2 a.m. – 7 a.m. UTC

• Monday, September 2 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. JST

During this time, all online content cannot be accessed including the in-game shop, Battle Hub, matchmaking, challenges and CFN as per usual.

It’s not specifically stated yet what all is going to be included in the new update, but we’ve got a pretty good idea of the content that’s probably coming in a few hours.

Capcom already announced a special Cammy costume color is going to be available exclusively through Twitch starting September 2, so there will be at the very least be compatibility added for that in the game.

On top of that, the Terry Arrives Fighting Pass will be live following the update too featuring Fatal Fury and SNK-themed items to unlock.

And yes, they did manage to get some classic Fatal Fury music in there.

There’s no mention of any gameplay changes yet that would wipe out replays, but it may still be a good idea to back up any you’d like to keep just in case.

We also know of the new Virtual Rival and Replay Review features that are coming to SF6, although those are said to be added to the game alongside Terry — so don’t go expecting them yet.

If you haven’t logged on in a minute, you can grab 2,000 Drive Tickets for free thanks to Manon and Ed’s birthdays on September 2 and 3 respectively along with another collaboration set for Baki the Grappler including avatar items and stickers.

Terry Bogard and the larger update for Street Fighter 6 are scheduled to come on September 24.

Stay tuned to EventHubs for further updates and the official patch notes once they become available.
