It’s been quite a long wait since Terry Bogard released as the last DLC character for Street Fighter 6, but he’s about to finally be joined by one of his other Fatal Fury compatriots to round out the series’ first ever guests.
Mai Shiranui will be here in just a few hours to grace us all with her beauty and ninja arts. We have to get through some server maintenance and a SF6 update first, however.
Just like all of the other game’s notable patches, Street Fighter will have to go into maintenance mode to prepare everything for Mai’s arrival.
That server maintenance period is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. PT and last for around four hours putting the end time around midnight.
You can see some of the other time conversion rates below.
Tuesday, February 4 | 8 p.m. – 12 a.m. PST
Tuesday, February 4 | 11 p.m. – 2 a.m. EST
Wednesday, February 5 | 4 a.m. – 8 a.m. UTC
Wednesday, February 5 | 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. JST
During this time, all online functionality will remain unavailable including matchmaking, the Battle Hub, in-game shop, CFN and more.
The update itself will likely go live for download before the maintenance ends at which point Year 2 Character Pass owners should be able to try out Mai in the offline modes until the servers are back.
And she won’t be coming alone either.
There’s of course the Say Hello to Mai Fighting Pass arriving alongside her with a bunch of Fatal Fury-themed avatar and battle items to collect for around three weeks.
Plus, Capcom is continuing their trend of adding brand new features and quality of life updates to their patches too.
Street Fighter 6 is about to get new ranking levels as well as a rewards shop for Master-ranked players to exchange exclusive items like costume colors.
A Match Restore option for Custom Rooms is being added that allows users to pick up a match where they left off should they disconnect in the middle as a neat feature we haven’t really seen before.
Once the update hits, players will also be able to instantly view replays as soon as the match ends in both Ranked and Casual sets.
Even World Tour mode is getting an improvement with the ability to more easily locate and train with specific Master characters across the different maps.
Finally, a special V-Rival of SF6’s battle designer Woshige is going to be available to fight for a limited time in the Battle Hub.
Since SF6 just had a larger balance patch in December, we aren’t expecting too many changes to be coming with Mai’s release, but there’s no way to know for sure until the patch notes are here.
Mai and the new update officially launch on February 5, but it will be very early in the morning for those in the Americas.
Source: Event Hubs