Street Fighter 6 receiving World Tour improvement with Mai update that will help players track down Masters more easily

Street Fighter 6 receiving World Tour improvement with Mai update that will help players track down Masters more easily

Street Fighter 6 receiving World Tour improvement with Mai update that will help players track down Masters more easily

Street Fighter 6 is welcoming in its second ever outside guest character in SNK’s Mai Shiranui next week. Fatal Fury and King of Fighters’ own resident good girl is joining the fight as the third DLC character in Season 2.

With the update that brings Mai into the fold, we’ll be seeing other goodies added which might include a handful of balance changes. Capcom has confirmed, however, that an improvement to World Tour mode is scheduled to be added with said update, and it aims to make finding the game’s Masters easier for players.

Here is how Capcom describes the new change coming to Street Fighter 6’s World Tour mode:

“World Tour Improvements with the Mai Update. You’ll be able to check all masters’ information from the getgo in the Master section of the Status menu.

“See HINTS for ‘when/where to find’ and ‘how to enroll’ with masters regardless of if you have met them,” Capcom wrote in an official tweet on the Street Fighter 6 Twitter page.

Players who hop into Street Fighter 6’s big action adventure single player mode after the Mai update will have more guidance on how to find the Master characters from the very beginning of their playthrough, it seems.

In Street Fighter 6’s World Tour mode, all of the playable characters on the game’s Versus roster can be tracked down, and upon meeting them the player is prompted to complete tasks and missions to eventually become their pupil and learn their fighting style.

This goes for the DLC characters that were added post launch too, meaning when Mai joins the roster you will also be able to find her in World Tour and learn the ways of Shiranui Ninjustsu. This new feature will help those looking to find her easier.

Street Fighter 6 World Tour improvement with Mai update image #1

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Mai Shiranui and the update that adds her to Street Fighter 6 are set for release on February 5.

Source: Event Hubs