Street Fighter 6 pro has too much fun shouting ‘ARE YOU OKAY?’ with Terry’s Buster Wolf until it backfires

Street Fighter 6 pro has too much fun shouting 'ARE YOU OKAY?' with Terry's Buster Wolf until it backfires

After more than two decades, Terry Bogard once again finds himself in a Capcom game, and he even got the honor of being the first guest character ever in Street Fighter 6.

The professional players have been going in hard with Terry to try and find out just how strong his is for the competitive scene, but it’s always important to remember to have fun in fighting games too.

One of the top Japanese players in VRL|Moke recently shared a funny clip from one of his streaming sessions where he was perhaps having a bit too much fun with the Fatal Fury star.

Up against a Master-ranked Ed, Moke throws out a Power Wave to bait the opponent into jumping, which he’s ready for instantly with a Buster Wolf Super.

He can’t help but of course shout out “Are you okay?” just like Terry’s signature line followed by his attempt to say Buster Wolf.

And then the exact same thing happens.

Ed tries to jump the fireball again only to be met with a second “Are you okay!” though the round is still continuing.

So when the opportunity presents itself, why not try for it a third time when the boxer attempts to immediately jump again.

This time, however, shows why Buster Wolf may not always be the best anti-air option at Terry’s disposal because Moke ends up mistiming it and flying right under Ed instead.

That big whiff left him wide open for quite the punish, which the Ed player was quick to capitalize on and go for his own level 2 Super — though we don’t get to see how the match ended here.

Buster Wolf’s invincibility, forward movement and speed probably do leave it as one of the best level 1 Supers in the game, especially since it can combo into itself in the right setup, though you obviously don’t want to miss with it.

For those who don’t know, Terry’s “Are you okay?” line has a very funny origin involving Disneyland and SNK Producer Yasuyuki Oda that’s continued to stick with the character for 25 years now.

We also have our in-depth Terry review for SF6 to delve into what makes the new DLC strong along with some notable weaknesses that may hold him back from the top of the hill.
