Street Fighter 6 players will be able to watch match replays right after a ranked or casual match ends with the Mai update

Street Fighter 6 players will be able to watch match replays right after a ranked or casual match ends with the Mai update

Street Fighter 6 players will be able to watch match replays right after a ranked or casual match ends with the Mai update

Capcom has revealed another one of the confirmed changes being added to Street Fighter 6 with the upcoming Mai Shiranui update on February 5. Last time, we learned that World Tour players will be given an easier way to keep track of and locate the Masters in the single player action adventure experience.

Though Christmas was about a month ago now, Capcom is also bringing gifts for those on the competitive Versus side of things with this next patch too. The company announced that players will be given the ability to watch replays directly from the match results screen in both ranked and casual matches.

According to Capcom’s tweet on the official Street Fighter Twitter page, there are a handful of new quality of life options that pertain to replays being added to the game with the Mai update.

As mentioned previously, players will be able to jump right into replays at the match end screen should they want to review what all happened in their latest bout.

Based on the screenshots included with the tweet, it appears that your three most recent replays will appear here, which might also be limited to just the matches you played in the set against your most recent opponent (though we can’t confirm this just yet).

Additionally, players will be granted the added power of being able to pause the replay and utilize the options there even during the round calls (Round 1, Fight!) and even after a KO happens. Capcom also says that the pause menu options during replays have also been reorganized to make the most used options easier to access.

Here is Capcom’s full announcement on this upcoming quality of life change:

Replay feature Improvements with the Mai Update

– You’ll be able to watch the replays from the most recent Match Result screen of a Ranked or Casual match.

– While playing a Replay, you’ll be able to pause and use the menu even during round calls or after a KO.

– The pause menu has also been reorganized to make it easier to access frequently used items such as Change Playback Round.

Street Fighter 6 replays improvement image #1

Street Fighter 6 replays improvement image #2

Click images for larger versions

Source: Event Hubs