Street Fighter 6 M. Bison update is adding a new quality of life change that lets you get to Training Mode more quickly

Street Fighter 6 M. Bison update is adding a new quality of life change that lets you get to Training Mode more quickly

Street Fighter 6’s first Season 2 DLC character, M. Bison, is set to be added to the game next week. Along with his release we will be seeing a handful of other changes made to further improve Capcom’s hit fighting game.

The official Street Fighter Twitter account has announced a small quality of life change that will definitely be getting big use from players. Apparently, the Bison update will also include a brand new shortcut that allows players to get to Training Mode much more quickly.

From the sounds of it, this new shortcut will allow players to jump straight from the main menu right into Training Mode with the push of a button.

“Introducing some QOL improvements and additional features coming with the M. Bison Update,” the official Street Fighter 6 Twitter page wrote. “[Training Mode Shortcut] Added a shortcut to start Training Mode by just pressing [□ button / X button / R key] in the Main Menu.”

As the tweet notes, PlayStation players will simply need to hit Square, Xbox users X, and PC players the R key to go from the main menu into training. This does away with having to navigate through the initial start up menu, select Fighting Ground, scroll to the left, then hit Training Mode as you currently have to.

What’s interesting is that the tweet makes mention of “QOL improvements and additional features,” plural, meaning we’ll likely see even more additions made with this upcoming update. We recently some saw potential quality of life changes in the Bison build that some content creators were given time with that also might be making the cut next week.

Though they haven’t been officially confirmed yet, we spotted some visual changes to both the health bar and Drive Gauge under certain circumstances. Essentially, players see their health bar light up when they have a Critical Art on deck, and the Drive Meter now has a gradient effect within it when a player is burnt out to help spectators see how much bar remains to be recovered.

Considering that these were spotted in the playable M. Bison build, it seems likely that they’ll be included in the next update.

M. Bison and this new quality of life Training Mode shortcut change are set to be added to Street Fighter 6 Season 2 on June 26.
