Street Fighter 6 has sold 2.47 million units, Capcom shares overall sales figures for some of their biggest IPs

Street Fighter 6 has sold 2.47 million units, Capcom shares overall sales figures for some of their biggest IPs

Capcom has released their latest fiscal report that details how the company has fared here in Q2 of their business year. As a resource for investors, this new document provides sales information, plans for the rest of the fiscal year, and more, and in it we learn new details about Street Fighter 6’s performance.

The company has shared the latest sales numbers for Street Fighter 6, and over the last few months the game has seen healthy growth. In addition to this, Capcom also revealed the overall sales numbers for some of their biggest video game franchises.

Capcom’s Q2 runs from July through September each year, and this financial report delves into the latest updates across those three months.

The biggest talking point for us here is how much Street Fighter 6 has sold since the last report. According to Capcom, the game has brought in nearly another half a million units sold, bringing the total up to 2.47 million.

Street Fighter 6 came right out of the gate swinging when it launched on June 2, 2023. By June 5th, just three days after the game’s launch, Capcom reported that over 1 million players were already playing the game, which likely meant at least 1 million copies had been sold by that point.

By early July, just one month after release, Capcom reported that Street Fighter 6 had sold 2 million copies. For comparison’s sake, Street Fighter 5 had moved 1.4 million units by May 2016, three months after its official release in February 2016.

Over the course of those three months, Capcom also released Street Fighter 6’s first two DLC characters. Rashid joined the fight in July as the first character included in the Year 1 Character Pass, while newcomer A.K.I. saw her release in late September.

The remainder of the character pass will include Street Fighter 5’s Ed, who is confirmed to see a release in early 2024, and Akuma, who is slated for launch in Spring 2024.

Outside of Street Fighter 6’s increased sales numbers, Capcom also shared details on how some of their biggest franchises have done overall. Their biggest seller remains the Resident Evil series with 150 million units sold, and Street Fighter takes the #3 spot at 52 million overall sold.

You can check out the full breakdown below.

Resident Evil – 150 million

Monster Hunter – 95 million

Street Fighter – 52 million

Mega Man – 41 million

Devil May Cry – 30 million

Dragon’s Dogma – 7.9 million

Street Fighter 6 has had a great start, especially for a modern Capcom fighting game. However, some fans are starting to exit the honeymoon phase with the game and are voicing their complaints about the title more frequently.

We’ll just have to wait and see how Capcom addresses one of the game’s largest issues, its inputs, and it will also be interesting to see how they combat another legitimate complaint in the lack of alternate costumes for playable characters. From the sounds of it, there’s going to be a pretty large gap until the game’s next DLC character drops, so hopefully we start seeing more content released for the competitive side of the game and not just single player avatar gear.

Contributions to this story made by Nicholas “MajinTenshinhan” Taylor.
