Street Fighter 6 director shares the current whereabouts of some of the franchise’s more obscure characters

Street Fighter 6 director shares the current whereabouts of some of the franchise’s more obscure characters

Street Fighter 6 director shares the current whereabouts of some of the franchise's more obscure characters

Street Fighter 6’s director, Takayuki Nakayama, is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge when it comes to the franchise’s history and lore. It is also very clear that he is a huge fan of fighting games in general, and that includes the series he works to help create.

Nakayama periodically answers fan comments on Twitter, but recently he had a big blow out where he seemed to be fielding a lot of the questions that followers on Twitter sent his way. In doing so, he divulged information about characters that aren’t currently in Street Fighter 6, and in a handful of tweets shared the latest whereabouts of some of the franchise’s more obscure fighters.

The last time we checked in with Nakayama, he had mentioned that Street Fighter 4 character and master of both Ryu and Ken, Gouken, is actually still alive during the events of Street Fighter 6 and is still a fighter. Nakayama says, though, that Gouken is completely unaware of the Nayshall incident that Ken was ultimately blamed and framed for.

So how about another Street Fighter 4 character who, admittedly, isn’t quite as significant or popular as Gouken?

The Turkish wrestler and lover of body oil, Hakan, made his debut back in Super Street Fighter 4, and though he’s loved by some fans out there, it’s safe to say that he’s not one of the franchise’s popular contenders. In addition to this, we haven’t seen Hakan appear in any other games outside of the Street Fighter 4 series, and frankly, we likely won’t see him make a return any time soon.

One of the aforementioned Hakan fans wrote to Nakayama recently on Twitter to ask how the big grappler is currently doing, and the Street Fighter director had this to say.

“Hakan’s own business is doing well and the family is happy,” Nakayama’s response began. “He has become a local celebrity. The company has become so well known that it can advertise in Metro City.”

As we know, Metro City is where a good portion of Street Fighter 6’s World Tour mode takes place, and in the background of the large metropolis we see a lot of advertisements and billboards that feature several other Street Fighter characters that aren’t currently a part of the game’s story or roster.

Moving on to a character who isn’t all that obscure, but is definitely not as well known to the casual fan or your average gamer walking down the street. Sean Matsuda, brother of Laura from Street Fighter 5, first joined the fight back in Street Fighter 3, and though he was considered crazy strong in the early installments of that series, by Street Fighter 3: Third Strike he had been demoted down to what is essentially joke character status.

Here during the events of Street Fighter 6, it seems Sean has continued practicing his martial arts. In addition to this, though, it seems he’s also a basketball coach.

“He’s a competent and good character. I hope that one day he will be told somewhere,” Nakayama said in response to the follower asking if he could come back as a playable character at some point. “He’s kept up his martial arts, and his new job is coaching basketball.”

Lastly, a particular character’s name sometimes pops up when fans are requesting which fighters they want to see added to the latest game’s roster. Though she made her start in Final Fight 2, swift ninja Maki Genryusai is a combatant that found herself as a playable character in Capcom vs. SNK 2.

She would also go on to be added to Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper on the Gameboy Advance, but since then, she has been absent from any real Capcom-based fighting games.

Like Guy of Final Fight and Street Fighter fame, Maki is also a practitioner of the Bushin-ryu fighting style. She also happens to be the sister of Rena, who is Guy’s fiancé in the Final Fight/Street Fighter universe.

All of that having been said, where is Maki now?

“She is doing well. She goes back and forth between Japan and Metro City,” Nakayama said. “It seems she has an apprentice she is taking care of.”

Source: Event Hubs