Street Fighter 6 competitor releases new tier list before the Mai Shiranui update

Street Fighter 6 competitor releases new tier list before the Mai Shiranui update

Street Fighter 6 competitor releases new tier list before the Mai Shiranui update

ONi|Naji has released a new tier list for Street Fighter 6. This analysis of the current meta comes just days before Mai Shiranui is set to drop. We also suspect there will be some notable buffs and nerfs packaged alongside the new character.

For those that don’t know him, Naji is a competitive Juri player that managed to place at 33rd and 49th at Evo 2023 and Evo 2024 respectively. That’s quite impressive considering how both events had over 5,000 players competing at each of them.

According to Naji, the top 5 characters in Street Fighter 6 right now are Rashid, Akuma, Ken, Guile, and Ed. It’s certainly interesting how three of the five top characters were added to the game post-launch as Season 1 DLC.

M. Bison is said to be strong, but not quite top 5. In a follow up Tweet, Naji elaborated on how easy it is to bully M. Bison. Of course, the character’s ability to deal absurd amounts of damage make it so that a lot of people just don’t know how to fight against him right now.

Other characters found in the A tier category include Cammy, Dee Jay, Ryu, Juri, Zangief, A.K.I., and JP. Indeed, we often see a number of these fighters performing well in the tournament scene.

E. Honda, Jamie, and Marisa are said to be the overall worst characters in Street Fighter 6. As such, Naji has labeled them as D tier combatants.

Check it all out below:

Naji's Street Fighter 6 Tier List image #1

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Source: Event Hubs