Street Fighter 6 community continues to impress with more top tier New Challengers Art Contest entries

Street Fighter 6 community continues to impress with more top tier New Challengers Art Contest entries

If you’re on fighting game social media then there’s more than a good chance you’ve seen a handful of submissions headed to the ongoing Street Fighter 6 New Challengers Art Contest.

For those not yet in the know, Capcom is running the aforementioned contest in an effort to add a little fan art into Street Fighter 6 as they’ve asked the artistically inclined to draw up and send in their own versions of the fight cards that pop up every time an online bout sparks up. We’ve rounded up a gallery of some of our favorites for you to check out below.

While the submission period is now over with, the contest still rages on as Capcom is currently whittling the (likely thousands) of fan made fight cards down to a mere 20 finalists.

The 20 that are eventually selected will be shared with the community, who will then have from July 16 – July 28 to vote on their favorites. Voting will take place directly in Street Fighter 6, specifically in the Battle Hub mode of the game.

Here are 12 submission (from eight different artists) we’ve rounded up to share with you today. Give our gallery a look through here and let us know in the comments which of these you’d most likely vote for.

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #1

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #2

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #3

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #4

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #5

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #6

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #7

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #8

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #9

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #10

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #11

New Challengers Art Contest 3 image #12

Click images for larger versions

If you like these and would like to see even more then be sure to check out both our first SF6 art contest round up as well as our second SF6 art contest round up.

Artists featured in this story (in order of appearance): Hershuar (images 1 and 2), Zomayuan (images 3-6), Rereibara, Armand_Gman, LonelyGamer85, NIKUO_3, Rumie_take, SaikusaHinoru.
