Stranger Elements Currently the Biggest Beneficiaries of C/River Opportunities

Stranger Elements Currently the Biggest Beneficiaries of C/River Opportunities

18 August 2019 
Our people in Cross River State have been blindfolded by sycophancy, treachery, greed and betrayal as our future gets bleak. Let me tell you why
1. Consultations and campaigns in CRS creates more monies in the hands of strangers than citizens of the state. This is common to both  APC and PDP. Beneficiaries of such monies are stranger elements who are party leaders, INEC, investigating agencies. The major players want to avoid competition and internal democracy and so CRS politicians  pay strangers elements more monies to compromise the system instead of developing a grass root base. CRS REC for instance made enough money to swell his pocket for Beyelsa Gubernatorial race. 
2. Our CRS public and civil servants steal huge funds and starve their people. When petitioned, they pay strangers elements in police, EFCC, ICPC, party stakeholders etc to compromise the system. At the end what was stolen and denied crossriverians goes to the stranger elements. How then will CRS grow? You can confirm this by checking around all Federal and State institutions in CRS. 
3. There is a an emerging crop of saboteurs in CRS who have made sycophancy and betrayal as their occupation. They align with strangers elements to fight their brothers from CRS. The pay is often good, the stranger elements gives more to these saboteurs than what their brothers who occupy such position in the state will give them. 
4. When we  have opportunities for contracts and development from FG, our Governor, legislators and appointees of FG negotiate with strangers elements to sell our opportunities, slots and contracts. Most at times even what is approved for CRS is denied because it is either sold to the stranger elements or not well lobbied for by our politicians who act as if they owe us no debt because they bought their positions. 
5. One of the biggest achievement of Ayade is his rice seedlings factory but more rice seedlings are sold to strangers elements to develop their state while CRS is starved. No one knows how much is generates. At the end it is his pocket and the stranger elements that benefits from what his praise singers won't let us rest on social media. 
6. Our politicians, legislators stakeholders, and even ex Governors allign with the worst policies of government for peanuts for their survival and are quiet when those who call for accountability and good governance are attacked and with haunted. 
Let's not cry so much now that we are loosing some key and strategic positions in the Buhari's Government, let's rather look inwards because we are getting it all wrong and I have great fear for the future of our generation. 
Joseph Odok PhD Esq writes from Abuja