Steve’s hardest combo is technically very rewarding but you’ll probably have to break your controller… and your hands to perform it

Steve’s hardest combo is technically very rewarding but you’ll probably have to break your controller… and your hands to perform it

Steve's hardest combo is technically very rewarding but you'll probably have to break your controller... and your hands to perform it

Minecraft’s Steve is considered to be the undisputed best character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Of course, it took a good while for players to be able to truly appraise the challenger’s potential, but he can be a real problem when played by those patient enough to main him.

Fortunately for the rest of us, some of Steve’s more absurd interactions are made inaccessible due to human limitations. Kinoko_SMB recently posted what is believed to be Steve’s most difficult combo, though it’s unlikely we’ll ever see it performed in a real match.

From its appearance, the combo actually seems fairly straightforward. All Steve is really doing here is comboing his down tilt repeatedly. However, there’s actually a lot more to it than that.

Steve’s down tilt technically counts as a projectile so it actually behaves independently of what Steve is doing. The animation and recovery frames for this move is being cancelled by blocks. The block disappears, which prompts Steve to quickly generate a new one.

Since blocks are spawned based on a grid system, Steve has to stand at a precise area so that he’s basically standing on the edges of two grid squares. This will minimize how much Steve will have to move around to spawn a block right as one vanishes.

While all of this might seem simple, Kinoko_SMB notes that this was done in the training room at 25% speed. The clip itself is sped up to be four times faster as to showcase what it would look like at a normal game’s pace.

In other words, you’d probably have to break your controller and hands to actually pull off this combo. Check it all out below:

Source: Event Hubs