June 21 2024 NEW HYDE PARK, New York – Squatters REMOVED from Long Island, Evans Street home, after nearly a year.
Neighbors said multiple people rotated in and out of the house, throwing loud late night parties and having 5 pitbulls acting aggressively.
Owner of the house said that they were finally removed due to a new law and that police told him this group is professional squatters, who have been removed from other properties in the past.
Squatters occupied house surrounded by Police today on 109 Evans Street Thursday afternoon.
LI home of now deceased Edward Iacono Sr. Has been in foreclosure since 2013 and empty for almost a decade, is occupied by squatters according to news reports.
A group of squatters allegedly moved into the property last summer, people continuously change and throw loud late night parties, according to neighbors.