SQE2 pass rate dips slightly to 74%

Over 900 students sat latest exams

MCQ exam
The results for the latest sitting of part two of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) were released yesterday, showing a slight drop in the pass rate to 74%.

The Solicitors Regulation Authority’s latest report shows that 932 candidates sat part two of the SQE in July and August this year.

The pass rate for first-time sitters, comprising 860 candidates, was slightly higher at 77%.

SQE2 pass rate dips slightly to 74%

The overall pass rate of 74% represents a slight decrease from the earlier sitting this year, where 79% of students passed.

SQE2 is made up of 16 stations, including 12 written exams and four oral assessments, all aimed at testing practical skills and the application of legal knowledge.

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Last month, Legal Cheek reported that the SQE1 pass rate had fallen to a record low of 44%.

Earlier this year, Kaplan, the company responsible for administering the SQE, issued an apology after 175 students were mistakenly informed that they had failed parts of their assessments.

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