SPORTS: Chelsea Is Already Planning Post-Season Tour as Premeir League Champions

SPORTS: Chelsea Is Already Planning Post-Season Tour as Premeir League Champions

-Jose Mourinho; source: Guardian

“If we win the title, I

think we'll go on an

after-season tour, play

a couple of matches in

some destination where

people will be very

enthusiastic to have the

Premier League


“It's something we are

thinking about, a good

way to celebrate. Not a

victory parade but a

trip, a week where we

play a couple of

matches but, at the

same time, can be

together without the

pressure of winning

every match, without

the pressure and

tension of the last

weeks of the Premier


“We can also relax and

go to holidays with that

good feeling. But we still

have nine matches to

play. [The chairman]

Bruce Buck and the

board are talking with

me about destinations.

We want to go

somewhere where

people are enthusiastic

to have a club like


These sorts of things Just be planned ahead. They don't just happen

overnight, I suppose. Even last year, letters were sent to local

residents about a possible victory parade. And then Chelsea lost to

Sunderland. Liverpool also had planned an open-top bus parade before

not winning the Premier League title. I'm sure there are many more

such examples of putting the cart before the horse. It's a necessary

evil of living inorganized society. But now that it's out in public,

I guess we better make sure we do win it! That said, the rumors are of

a post-season tour of Japan (clad in Yokohama-branded gear from

head-to-toe, I'm sure), followed by perhaps a pre-season tour of the

USA. India had been rumored at one point for the summer of 2015, but

that seems to have fallen by the wayside.