Barcelona most prized asset and current European footballer of the year Lionel Messi, is being charged with three counts charge of tax invasion together with his father Jorge. The four time World Best Player who is currently nursing an injury which could rule him out till the end of November has pleaded not guilty to the charges.According to court documents made public on Thursday, Messi Jr and Senior have both been accused of defrauding Spain's tax office of €4.1m from 2007 to 2009. However, in Lionel Messi Management claims and that of the Spanish State Attorney is counter conflicting as the “The Public Prosecution Office did not accuse the Argentine of any tax crime, but rather extensively explained the reasons why he should not be charged,” as read by the statement.
“In the coming weeks, Leo Messi's defence lawyers will have the opportunity to make their case ahead of the trial and to submit the evidence that they deem appropriate, claiming that the Public Prosecution Office's position about not charging Messi [Jr] is correct.”