Sparking! ZERO trailer reveals 11 more characters including some oddball picks

But also plenty of fan favorites

Sparking! ZERO trailer reveals 11 more characters including some oddball picks

It’s been nearly 17 years since Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 first hit the stage, and we’re finally about to get a new entry that’s looking to go even further beyond.

Bandai Namco showed off a new trailer for Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO unveiling 11 more characters alongside the extended gameplay showcase revealing more of the new mechanics and systems it’ll have to offer.

Coming from Dragon Ball Z, Super Trunks is the first in the trailer with his bulky form, Master Roshi (Max Power), Nappa, Burter, and of course Jeice.

Things get more interesting, though, with their choices for Dragon Ball Super representatives with Dyspo, Kakunsa, Toppo, Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk), Super Saiyan Broly (Full Power), and Hit.

That brings the number of confirmed characters (including transformations) up to around 50, but there’s still plenty more to go considering we should have a staggering roster of 164 fighters by the time the game comes out — slightly edging out Budokai Tenkaichi 3’s 162.

Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO still doesn’t have a release date set yet, but it’s currently in development for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

You can check out the new trailer and gameplay showcase below.
