Sparking Zero continues pace of fastest-selling game in franchise by adding a couple million more copies to the pile

Sparking Zero continues pace of fastest-selling game in franchise by adding a couple million more copies to the pile

Sparking Zero continues pace of fastest-selling game in franchise by adding a couple million more copies to the pile

It took 17 years to get a fully new entry in the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series, and the fans were more than ready for some action even beyond the release window.

Bandai Namco recently revealed Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero reached a new sales milestone, continuing its pace as the fastest-selling game in Dragon Ball history (at least when it comes to consoles).

The company revealed Sparking crossed 5 million copies sold worldwide.

This is up from the 3 million the Dragon Ball arena fighter achieved just on launch day, which Bamco noted at the time as an outstanding performance.

At that time, Sparking Zero was even able to take the title of best-selling Dragon Ball game in the United States ever after just a month.

So it’s likely much of those additional 2 million copies came from over here too since Bamco stated before that 90% of Sparking’s initial sales came from the Americas and Europe.

Sparking Zero also finished out 2024 as the fourth-best selling game of the year in the U.S. while Bamco’s other major new fighter Tekken 8 finished in 18th place despite the nearly eight-month head start.

The new title’s sales pace is much faster than its predecessor in the fighting space though they aren’t within the same subgenre to really offer a perfect comparison.

Dragon Ball FighterZ took over two years to reach 5 million sales where as Sparking Zero did so in like three or four months.

The last we heard, FighterZ hit 10 million sales back in 2023 along with Xenoverse 2, so it’ll be interesting to see how quickly Sparking reaches that mark too and if it can do so in under a year.

With this much success, Bamco is likely to continue supporting Sparking Zero for years to come like they did with FighterZ and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, but maybe they’ll run out of characters to use by that point considering how large the starting roster was already.

There will probably be at least some new transformations of Goku and Vegeta to pull from by then, and they’ll keep printing money too.

Source: Event Hubs