SOW for Printing Project Documents at John Snow Inc – JSI November, 2024

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Printing of Project documents/ materials for USAID M-RITE, October 2024

Background to the Project:

The MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity (M-RITE) project, which is funded by USAID, collaborates with the Nigerian government to enhance routine immunization (RI) programs in partner nations that prioritize maternal, neonatal, and child health, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health (MNCH/FP/RH).The primary objective of the project is to overcome the obstacles that prevent the provision of life-saving vaccines and other health services to under-immunized and zero-dose children. 

M-RITE is a collective consortium that is composed of distinguished individuals from various countries around the world. These individuals have a wealth of expertise in a variety of fields, including finance, data and learning, social and behavior change, strategic partnerships, gender, and human-centered design. They specialize in immunization systems approaches, integrated management and service delivery, health system strengthening (HSS), and immunization systems approaches.

In the five focal states of Bayelsa, Edo, Imo, Jigawa, and Lagos, M-RITE is collaborating with the Nigeria National Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), the Government of Nigeria, and other routine immunization implementing partners.

Current Status of the Activity:

This activity was designed to identify sustainable methods that would enhance the convenience of immunization services for urban caregivers. By engaging a diverse group of stakeholders in human-centered design (HCD) and co-creation approaches, we examined the key barriers to adjusting routine immunization service days and hours. This process allowed us to identify optimal days and times that would enable more caregivers to bring their young children for full and timely vaccination and to determine what can facilitate and sustain these changes. In order to raise awareness of the changes in RI days, we plan to print a banner and handbills that will serve as effective communication tools for informing the community about the changes in routine immunization days.The banner can be strategically positioned in high-traffic areas, such as clinics, schools, markets, and community centers, to attract attention and provide clear, concise information about the new immunization schedule. Conversely, handbills can be distributed directly to individuals, guaranteeing that the message is communicated to a wide range of individuals. They may be distributed at community meetings, deposited in receptacles or published in local newspapers. Both mediums should include easy-to-read text, engaging graphics, and vibrant colors to maximize their impact and to ensure that the community is well-informed and prepared for the changes

General objective of the assignment:

  • The overarching goal of this assignment is to generate high-quality flyers and a roll-up banner that will serve to advertise the USAID/M-RITE mission and its contributions to the revitalization and expansion of routine immunization in Nigeria, with a particular emphasis on Edo State.

The assignment:

  • To produce 1 roll-up banner
  • To print 2000 copies of flyers/pamphlets

S/N Item Size Material Grammage Colour

  • Flex banner 6 by 3 Vinyl 13oz CMYK
  • Handbill A5 (14.8cm by 21cm) Gloss coated 130gsm CMYK

Expected outputs/ deliverables?

  • A print material base sample to be used presented to M-RITE for approval. 
  • A graphic representation of the product was presented to M-RITE for approval.
  • Review and approval of the product prototype for printing. 
  • Printing and delivery of duplicates to M-RITE


  • The agency will be supervised by the M-RITE Snr SBCC Advisor.

Schedule of deliverables:

  • SN Deliverable  Due date
  • M-RITE approval of material base and graphic design/ layout for print materials 48 hours post signing of contract
  • M-RITE sign off on dummy and affirmation to go to print 48 hours post approval of material and layout
  • Printing/ Production of documents 24 hours post approval to print
  • Delivery of printed documents
  • A week post signing of contract

Terms of payment

The vendor will be paid as follows:

  • Upon signing the contract and submission of inception report: 50%
  • Upon completion of assignment and the same approved by M-RITE: 50%

Period of Performance: November 1-30, 2024

Application procedures;

  • Interested companies/ firms should submit to M-RITE a proposal demonstrating why they think there are the most suitable for this assignment and a financial quote for the assignment.

Selection Criteria

  • Submissions will be evaluated in consideration of the Evaluation Criteria as stated below: The offer will be evaluated by using the best value for money approach (combined scoring method). Technical proposal will be evaluated on 70%. 
  • Whereas the financial one will be evaluated on 30%. 
  • Below is the breakdown of technical proposal on 100%, which will be adjusted to 70%:

Summary of Technical Proposal Evaluation Forms                            Score weight

Expertise of Firm / Organization                                                          10%

Proposed Methodology, Approach and Implementation Plan                   50%

Management Structure and Key Personnel                                           10%

Total                                                                                                 70%

Financial Proposal (30%)

  • To be computed as a ratio of the Proposal’s offer to the lowest best price among the proposals received by M-RITE, Legal registration, Tax status etc.

Qualification of the Agency

  • Experience with printing and production of materials for agencies and multilateral companies(Attaching signed contract(s). 5%
  • Copy of CAC registration and Tax Identification Number(TIN)-5%
  • Price reasonability-20%

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