Solicitors make government list of jobs ‘most exposed’ to AI

Management consultants top table; sports players and roofers least exposed

Solicitors make government list of jobs ‘most exposed’ to AI
Solicitors may wish to consider a dynamic career change to roofing, plastering, or window cleaning according to new predictions on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI).

The latest report, published by the Department for Education, lists solicitors as the 12th most exposed occupation to the impacts of AI. Other “legal professionals” came in higher, taking 9th position.

Topping the table are management consultants and business analysts, financial managers, accountants, and psychologists.

For those now panicking and looking to jump ship, fear not, the report also ranks the occupations least likely to be impacted. Claiming pole position here are sports players, with roofers and elementary construction occupations taking the second and third spots.

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Also on this list are plasterers, cleaners, floorers, launderers, and window cleaners.

Analysing the data, the report goes on to note how: “The occupations least exposed to AI and LLM include many of the same areas, including more manual work that is technically difficult, in unpredictable environments, and with lower wages (reducing the incentive to automate) — with the exception of sports players.”

However, it may not be time to jump into an AI-proof lifeboat just yet. “The exposure score is based on several assumptions including the abilities considered important for a job at a given point in time so rankings should be interpreted with caution, however the themes highlighted by the analysis are expected to continue”.

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