Sofia Metropolis issues liturgical prayers for health of Patriarch Neofit

Sofia, December 2, 2023     

The diocesan council of the Metropolis of Sofia of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church issued a series of liturgical prayers to be offered for the health of His Holiness Patriarch Neofit throughout the diocese at the Divine Liturgy this Sunday.

Sofia Metropolis issues liturgical prayers for health of Patriarch NeofitPatriarch of Bulgaria hospitalizedHis Holiness Patriarch Neofit of Bulgaria has been hospitalized with a pulmonary disease.

“>OrthoChristian reported on Wednesday that the Patriarch was hospitalized with a pulmonary disease. The Bulgarian primate, 78, has been in and out of the hospital in recent years.

The following prayers are to be added to the Divine Liturgy (unofficial translation):

For the servant of God, our Most Holy Father Neofit, Metropolitan of Sofia and Patriarch of Bulgaria, that he might be forgiven every voluntary and involuntary transgression, and that he might be granted mercy, let us pray to the Lord!

That He might soon raise him from his sick bed with the word of His power, as He once raised the centurion’s son, the daughter of the Canaanite woman, and Peter’s mother-in-law, and mercifully healed them, let us pray to the Lord!

That He might quickly raise him from his sick bed and restore his health, as He once raised the paralytic with the word of His Divine grace, let us pray to the Lord!

That He might not neglect the fervent prayers of His servant, but mercifully hearken and have mercy upon him, and grant him health, let us pray to the Lord!

That He might visit him with His Holy Spirit and heal every ailment and sickness that abides in him, for the glory of His name, let us pray to the Lord!

That He might mercifully hearken, as He did the Canaanite woman, to the prayerful voice of us His unworthy servants, who cry out to Him and, as He healed her daughter, and heal and have mercy upon His ailing servant Neofit, the Patriarch of Bulgaria, let us pray to the Lord!

Protect, save, have mercy, and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace!

Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-virgin Mary with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God.

The Divine Liturgy and Sacrament of Unction were also served for the health of Pat. Neofit today by the vicar of the Sofia Metropolis, His Grace Bishop Polycarp of Belogradchik.

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