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The main objectiveof the NutriVax-Measles trial is to estimatethe effectiveness of a SQ-LNS mass supplementation program added to routine immunization program compared to routine immunization program alone in terms of measles vaccine coverage, after 12 months of program implementation, in children aged 12-23 months in the endline cross-sectional household survey.
This project will be basedon a pragmatic parallel clusterrandomized trial (PCT) with baseline measure.
- In the NutriVax arm, theNutriVax program will combine the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in children aged 6-23 months according to the Ministry of Health’s routine plans in the community and at health centres (i.e. PHCCs) and health-posts associated with SQ-LNS mass supplementation integrated into pre-existing services delivered at PHCCs for children 6-23 months of age.
- In the EPI arm, only the standard EPI in childrenaged 6-23 months delivered accordingto the Ministry of Health’sroutine plans in the communityand at PHCCs and health posts will be offered.
Different populations and data collection modes are included:
- baseline and endline cross-sectional household surveys of children aged 12-23 months,
- a longitudinal follow-up survey (LS) of children aged 6-12 monthsat inclusion,
- a qualitative feasibility and acceptability survey of parents of children aged 6-23 months, of health providers, of community health workers and community representatives and
- a cost survey of parents/legal guardian of children from the longitudinal follow-up cohort, and
- a health facility cost survey of a randomized sub-sample of health facilities.
Study sites: This study will be conducted in two Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Yobe state, Northeast Nigeria: Karasuwa (5 wards in NutriVax arm and 5 wards in EPI arm) and Nguru (5 wards in NutriVax arm and 5 wards in EPI arm).
Objectives and expected results of the consultancy
General objective
Organize, supervise and analyze the data of the intermediate qualitative survey that aims at evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention implemented within the NutriVax-Measles cluster randomized control trial (coupling SQ-LNS distribution and the expanded programon immunization at PHCCs level) in Karasuwaand Nguru LGAs, three monthsafter the start of the trial.
This qualitative survey will help to identifythe barriers and facilitators to the NutriVax-Measles intervention implementation, and to address any issues that need to be adapted to ensure the successful implementation of the intervention. Innovative qualitative data analysis method will thus be required in order to share rapid analysis results.
Note: a final qualitative survey is also planned at the end of the project.
Experience needed and education
Experience with qualitative data collection and analysis
- Experience managingqualitative surveys, preferably in the Northof Nigeria or other humanitarian contexts
- Experience with writing scientific reports and/or scientific papers
- Proficiency in written and oral English (additional languages are a plus, preferably Hausa and/or Fulani)
- Minimum level of education required: Masters levelin social sciences; Preferably: PhD level in social sciences
Specific objectives of the consultancy
Before the survey
- To familiarize her/ himself with the NutriVax-Measles cluster randomized control trial protocol to understand 1) the context as well the intervention that is evaluated, 2) the researchquestions and the methodology developedby ALIMA and its scientific partners at INSERM for the qualitative survey;
- To developthe qualitative survey’sstandard operating procedure (SOPs) for data collection, data management, data transcription and summary reports writing of interviews, under the supervision of the Implementation research associated investigator;
- To participate in a literature review on factorsassociated with barriersand levers to vaccination, attendance at preventive pediatric consultations, and dietary supplementation;
- To familiarize her / himself with conceptual frameworks that will be used to organize data collection and analysis;
- To finalizequalitative data collection tools for conducting the qualitative survey;
- To developmanagement and organizational tools for the conducting of the qualitative survey;
- To recruit,train, and manage qualitative interviewers (1/LGA);
- To participate in maintaining relations with Ministry of Health authorities and community representatives for conducting the qualitative survey;
During the survey
- To supervise the qualitative data collection on the field, as well as the data management, data transcription and summary reports writing of interviews;
- To ensurefull respect of Good clinicalpractice as well as other applicable ethicaland regulatory requirement;
- To ensure strict adherenceto all parts of the SOPs;
- To ensure good transcription and translation of scripts from local languages (i.e. Hausa, Kanuri,Fulani) to English;
- To conductthe rapid analysis;
- To regularly present the progressof the qualitative survey to the Implementation research associated investigator as well as to theNutriVax-Measles Research Managerand the ALIMA Project Coordinator;
- To participate in regular meetingsregarding the NutriVax-Measles trial and/or with the ALIMA/INSERM teamsin Nigeria and internationally;
- To presentupdated results duringthe meetings with the ALIMA/INSERM teams in Nigeriaand internationally;
After the survey
- To write a final report regardingthe conduct and the resultsof the intermediate qualitative survey including suggestions for improvements;
Scope of the qualitative survey
This is a cross-sectional qualitative survey to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention implemented in the NutriVax-Measles trial, three months after the start of the trial, in Karasuwa and Nguru LGAs, Yobe State, Nigeria.
This qualitative survey will be based on individual interviews as well as focusgroup discussion, and will specifically explore:
- Perceptions of the different stakeholders in the PHCCs as well as in the community, regarding the NutriVaxintervention (coupling SQ-LNS distribution and the expanded immunization program at PHCCs level)
- Experience of health workersregarding the integration of this new intervention into their work
- Perceptions of health workers and community members regarding barriers and facilitators to accessing PHCC services and with respect to the immunization schedule
Qualitative survey population
The qualitative survey will include stakeholders
- in the community
- parents or legal guardiansof child aged 6-23 monthsand residing in the catchmentsettlements of wards included in the study (10-15/arm; to be determined)
- community representatives 5-10/arm; to be determined)
- community healthworkers (5-10/arm;to be determined)
- as well as within the PHCCs:health workers 5-10/arm; to be determined). The sample will be done purposively to have a variety of profiles of participants.