SNK World Championship 2023 Grand Final early results, stream ft Xiao Hai, E.T., MadKOF, Tamago, ZJZ, Laggia, FKang, M, InfernoKong and more

Update: This story has been updated with day 1 results.

The Grand Final event for the 2023 season of the SNK World Championship tour is finally happening and it will be taking place in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Players qualified for the final event are DouyuTV|Xiao Hai, XG|E.T., MadKOF, Tamago, Brook|ZJZ, Sanwa|Laggia, Comite|FKang, Sanwa|M’, InfernoKong, TxC|ViolentKain, Lacid, Koopa, JuanKOF, SP|Mok, VCGO|Kitsune971, GHZ|TheGio, Toshi, Sooa, UREZS, CNE|Seis Mx, CoreValues, Dai, ChenChen, TxC|ElRosa, CDM|KoferoHonesto, Pineapple and VSE|Frezzer. Unfortunately, the qualified competitors Kami Jones, Yunwu and LaGema|DarkAngel were unable to attend due to visa issues and will therefore be counted as automatic disqualifications.

There will also be a Last Chance Qualifier taking place on Friday before the main event where two competitors will grab the final spots in the main competition.

There’s $175,000 up for grabs in the main event with $50,000 of that going to the 1st place finisher, though anyone making it into the main event will get some money, with the lowest payout for the tied 25th placers at $2,000 each.

Since this is the finish line for SNK’s tournament season, it’s not unlikely that we’ll get to see some new footage of the upcoming Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, or perhaps some news regarding King of Fighters 15.

SNK World Championship 2023 Grand Final early results, stream ft Xiao Hai, E.T., MadKOF, Tamago, ZJZ, Laggia, FKang, M, InfernoKong and more

1. Pako (Duo Lon, Luong, Chizuru | Duo Lon, Heidern, Chizuru)

2. AMTRS|Score (Orochi Yashiro, Chizuru, Heidern | Andy, Orochi Yashiro, Heidern)

3. Wero Asamiya (Yuri, Iori, Rock)

4. TNS|Yurikov (Meitenkun, Blue Mary, Isla)

5. Lauyagami (Ángel, Hinako, Chizuru | Ángel, Goenitz, Hinako)

5. Dinasty|Gummy (Chizuru, Ryo, Isla)

7. NK|Rigosam (Rock, Kukri, Chizuru)

7. GHZ|Chino Funkey (Clark, Heidern, Ralf)

9. JF|Kaiser666 (Kyo, Ryo, Terry)

9. TxC|Khriz (Yuri, Mai, Athena)

9. Reynald (Shermie, Benimaru, Ryo)

9. TSD|RocklandKyo (Shun’ei, Benimaru, Iori)

13. E.S.T.A.|Kihara (Ryo, Joe, Leona)

13. Comité|PiterErn (Geese, Dolores, Isla)

13. E.S.T.A.|Memo (Rock, Benimaru, Iori)

13. MXLI|Fabricio (Kula, Maxima, K’)

• Grand finals, second set: Pako (Duo Lon, Heidern, Chizuru) eliminated AMTRS|Score (Orochi Yashiro, Chizuru, Heidern) 3-1.

• Grand finals, first set: AMTRS|Score (Orochi Yashiro, Chizuru, Heidern) beat Pako (Duo Lon, Luong, Chizuru | Duo Lon, Heidern, Chizuru) 3-0.

• Losers finals: AMTRS|Score (Andy, Orochi Yashiro, Heidern) eliminated Wero Asamiya (Yuri, Iori, Rock) 3-1.

• Losers semi-finals: AMTRS|Score (Orochi Yashiro, Chizuru, Heidern) eliminated TNS|Yurikov (Meitenkun, Blue Mary, Isla) 2-0.

• Winners finals: Pako (Luong, Duo Lon, Chizuru) beat Wero Asamiya (Yuri, Rock, Iori) 3-1.

• TNS|Yurikov (Meitenkun, Blue Mary, Isla) eliminated Lauyagami (Ángel, Hinako, Chizuru) 2-0.

• AMTRS|Score (Orochi Yashiro, Chizuru, Heidern) eliminated Dinasty|Gummy (Chizuru, Ryo, Isla) 2-0.

• Lauyagami (Ángel, Goenitz, Hinako) eliminated NK|Rigosam (Rock, Kukri, Chizuru) 2-0.

• Dinasty|Gummy (Ryo, Chizuru, Isla) eliminated GHZ|Chino Funkey (Ralf, Clark, Heidern) 2-0.

• Winners semi-finals: Wero Asamiya (Iori, Yuri, Rock) beat AMTRS|Score (Orochi Yashiro, Chizuru, Heidern) 2-0.

• Winners semi-finals: Pako (Duo Lon, Luong, Chizuru) beat TNS|Yurikov (Meitenkun, Blue Mary, Isla) 2-0.

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