Snake Eyez shown to pull off high risk tech that pays off big time with Zangief at Capcom Cup X

Snake Eyez shown to pull off high risk tech that pays off big time with Zangief at Capcom Cup X

There’s a good reason why Zangief is labeled as a character with a high learning curve on the character select screen for Street Fighter 6. He’s an absolute monster up close that can dish out tremendous amounts of damage, but he constantly has to take big risks with his above average health pool to succeed.

While Zangief’s high risk, high reward playstyle can be terrifying, this doesn’t change the fact that he’s generally perceived to be one of the weaker characters in Street Fighter 6. As a result, it was really impressive to see Snake Eyez qualify for and compete at Capcom Cup X with the Red Cyclone.

During a match against Shodown|NamikazeExTM’s Dee Jay, Snake Eyez was able to execute an extremely high risk tech that improves Zangief’s Overdrive Spinning Piledriver. Under normal circumstances, the Overdrive SPD will lose to throws.

However, previously entries in the Street Fighter series have taught us that it’s possible cancel the pre-jump frames into a special move, which grants that special move invincibility against throw attempts. This isn’t new tech, but it’s still impressive to see it in action at a high stakes event like Capcom Cup X.

Thanks to the usage of this risky tech, Snake Eyez was able to turn a situation that was looking rather dire into a very favorable position thanks to this tech. HiFight provided a brief analysis of the sequence as it happens.

Check it out in the clip below:
