‘SLOW DOWN’: Andalusia to add more speed detection devices

‘SLOW DOWN’: Andalusia to add more speed detection devices

Published 1:00 pm Saturday, June 22, 2024

In an effort to slow down heavy-footed drivers within the city, the Andalusia Police Department will be erecting additional speed detection devices along city streets.

The city council on Tuesday approved the purchase of six speed detection devices at a total cost of $24,780. The devices are identical to several already in place that will flash when drivers approach, displaying their speed and, if applicable, to “slow down.”

Andalusia Police Chief Paul Hudson said the devices have served a valuable purpose in helping slow drivers down and that additional signs could help along other streets where drivers may to tend to speed.

The signs are solar-powered and can be moved from one location to another.

Also approved during the council meeting was a bid to begin drainage work at the Heritage Park site. Previously, the council had rejected bids related to the park project, citing all of them were above the expected expense. That allows the council to bid out certain parts of the project and possibly doing work with city employees.

The drainage project was bid out as an individual project and Southern Shavings was approved to perform the work with the low bid of $35,000. This part of the project involves all piping for the park. Funds for the project will come from a 2022 bond.

The council also approved a contract for assisting Public Works with smaller projects. Bids were let based on the expense for personnel and equipment with Edwin McIntyre Company.

The contract is aimed at easing the workload for public works employees allowing projects to be completed sooner.

The council also approved 11 properties for abatement due to overgrown grass and weeds.

The next meeting of the city council is scheduled for Tuesday, July 2, at city hall with a workshop beginning at 5:30 p.m. and the regular meeting at 6 p.m.
