Shin Bison has some crazy combos and an absolutely bonkers invincible reversal in Street Fighter 6

Desk shows us what the secret boss character can do

Shin Bison has some crazy combos and an absolutely bonkers invincible reversal in Street Fighter 6

Alongside the latest Street Fighter 6 balance update, which introduced new changes for every character on the roster, Capcom also launched a new event in the Battle Hub that allows you to fight against a super-powered, Psycho-powered version of M. Bison. This challenging foe is known as “SiRN Bison,” and with this event Capcom went the extra mile and added a secret boss version of Bison to the actual playable version of the character.

Like Akuma before him, M. Bison has a hidden “Shin Bison” form that can be accessed by completing an impossible (in a real match) set of criteria, and when it’s done properly, you gain access to several new ultra powerful tools. Well, combo master Desk has gotten his hands on Shin Bison and has now released a full-on showcase for the playable boss that demonstrates just how insane this version actually is.

Just to recap, in order to access Shin Bison in a real match one must first implant a Psycho Mine on the opponent by using his Backfist Combo special move. Once that’s done, you’ll have to perform Bison’s forward taunt in its entirety, and once he finishes the countdown and the mine explodes, you will have your Shin Bison locked and loaded.

Should your opponent allow you the time and opportunity to set this up (no one would ever do that in a real match), then you can pull off some of the crazy stuff Desk does here in his latest video.

From the jump, Desk begins this showcase by perfect parrying two hits of Jamie’s breakdancin’ level 1 super before teleporting to the other side of him. Because Desk is… Desk, he continues this sequence by teleporting to his original place on screen and continues perfect parrying the super before teleporting behind Jamie once again and landing a big combo of his own.

One of the main Shin Bison abilities that Desk puts heavily on display here is his invincible reversal. Using a quick burst of Psycho energy, Bison blows through literally everything that’s thrown at him, and because this absolutely bonkers reversal is so fast, we see it used to make supers completely whiff and get punished, used to stop normals in neutral dead in their tracks, and much more.

There are some really cool set ups and devastating combos to behold here, so be sure to check out this Shin Bison showcase below.
