Sharon Osbourne Reveals Recent Facelift as the Worst Decision

• Sharon Osbourne regretted a recent plastic surgery procedure, saying that she looked “like a Cyclops” after getting her third facelift in October 2021
• Sharon also regretted a vagina tightening procedure that she found excruciating and is now using Ozempic, a type 2 diabetes medication to lose weight
• Several other celebrities have also experienced negative outcomes from plastic surgeries, despite their intentions to “tune up” their appearances

Here is what happened:

Sharon Osbourne recently admitted to having regretted a facelift that she got in October 2021 which resulted in disastrous results, causing her pain, and a loss of self-esteem. Despite feeling certain that something was wrong with her appearance, she states in an interview with the Times that she regrets having had the plastic surgery but didn’t safe face because she received compliments. The surgery left her eyes and mouth looking disproportionate, making her wait for it to heal before going through the painful correction process. Despite the disastrous facelift experience, Osbourne declared to E! News that everyone needs a tune-up every few years and believes in frequent plastic surgery. However, she has had far more than just facelifts revealing her full-body transformation. She stated that aside from a facelift, there is no part of her body that hasn’t been surgically changed over the years. She acknowledged that she still feels she needs to adjust her body revealing to the glamour there is not a body part she hasn’t had “twisted, lifted, elongated, whatever.”

Following the botched facelift, Osbourne turned to the type 2 diabetes medication Ozempic to lose weight, only to drop under 100 pounds. However, she has since realized that she is “too gaunt” and inadvertently lost weight caused by using the drug. Despite stating that the manufacturer told E! News in a statement that the injectable is “not approved for chronic weight management” and the negative results she experienced, she isn’t the first to turn to Ozempic for weight management admitting the procedure. She feels she is underweight and wants to put on weight back to a comfortable range. Sharon Osbourne can join a growing list of celebrities who have undergone cosmetic procedures and admit to the pressure to remain looking young. Many have shared candidly about a variety of cosmetic enhancements and procedures that had a lasting impact on their bodies while showcasing a non-toxic perception on the practice. Celebrities such as Tori Spelling, Lady Gaga, and Julie Chen have all spoken publicly about how their rendition of facial enhancements have aged and altered them. This transparency allows fans to make informed decisions regarding cosmetic procedures and reflects an era of intimate vulnerability.
