Shang Tsung player demonstrates insane character specific 80% reset during Mortal Kombat 1 tournament set

Shang Tsung player demonstrates insane character specific 80% reset during Mortal Kombat 1 tournament set

ELG|Wraith recently posted an interesting clip featuring one of his matches against a Sub-Zero player during a Mortal Kombat 1 tournament. Shortly after the clip begins, Wraith, the Shang Tsung user, is able to get a hard read on his opponent with a Ground Skull when the Sub-Zero player attempts to create space by using the Ice Klone special.

As a result, Wraith is then able to convert into a combo for 272 damage, which isn’t much by itself, but it ended up leaving the opponent in a standing position. Thanks to Goro, the Kameo character, and his unblockable stomp, Wraith is then able to combo into his own Ice Klone after assuming the opponent’s form with Shang Tsung’s transformation ability.

Funnily enough, Goro ends up getting knocked down due to this interaction. You can only see it for a split second, but it was actually his stomp that caused the opposing character’s hurtbox to converge with the active Ice Klone.

From here, Wraith then converted into a simple combo which finished with Sub-Zero’s Fatal Blow. Thanks to the damage boost effect of the transformation, this combo ended up dealing 546 additional damage.

Against most character and Kameo teams, this will effectively result in a player’s life bar being depleted by about 80%. Of course, this sort of sequence will only work on Sub-Zero since he’s the only character that has access to the Ice Klone special.

Sub-Zero has generally been perceived to be on the lower end of tier lists since Mortal Kombat 1 was released (especially after receiving harsh nerfs from the beta test period). Needless to say, it’s especially impressive that Wraith has a sequence like this ready in his back pocket, even if it is for a low tier match up.

Check it out below:
