Woke generation statement. The truth is life went on for many years with little critical thinking because the more you reason things the more complex they gets. It never ends. So why over think things if you will never figure it out and it only gets more complex. Philosophers in the house. A philosophy professor once asked a genius, prove this white chair exists. He had apparently been asking his most brilliant students for years and no one ever got it and his hope was that someone would get it before he retires that year. The genius looked at him and said, what chair. The professor shook his hand and retired that same day. Moral of that story don’t question some things and just let it be. Married people would understand this. Yes woke generation girl you are right, no one deserves your hard sweat except you and your dependants, but if you can be a source of blessing to others then bless them don’t over think it and keep it moving. Do you think your dad who kept helping her is less intelligent than you. Well according to the moral of the story above he is a lot smarter than you. The more you overthink things the less you understand it. Just help when you can and when you can’t say I can’t and keep it moving.
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