Joseph Odok|15 January 2016|7:17am
A keen look at the activities of PDPigs has given justification to the statement of the Hon. Minister of Niger Delta Pst. Usani Uguru Usani who forbade any association with PDPigs. This may not be out of a deep insight into the activities of the party and the recent revelation of massive corruption that is associated with the party.
The 16 years of PDPigs have shown the highest level of corruption that would have bashed all hope for the survival of Nigeria. PDPigs had the highest history of revenue generation with oil sold at its peak price in the history of Nigeria. No doubt the military era played a significant role in the underdevelopment of Nigeria, the reign of PDPigs saw a strangulation of all hope for the sustainability of Nigeria. Thank God for the blessing of Nigeria with the gift of PMB
Having failed in their evil machinations of bringing Nigeria to a complete eclipse, the PDPigs have remained unrelenting in making sure that Nigeria is further buried. Nigerians collaboratively saw the evil in PDPigs and massively voted against them in the election that brought PMB into power: This in fact became a saving grace to the sustainability of the entity called Nigeria.
The PDPigs are unrelenting in their evil machinations, their next step is the use of the Senate to frustrate the good intentions of PMB. When I keenly watched the charade that characterized the elections thay ushered in the leadership of the Senate, I predicted a National Assembly that would be used as a tool to fight the interest of Nigerians .
Going down the memory lane, we recall a National Assembly that doctored the Senate rules to accommodate the evil machinations of PDPigs. We saw a senate that was given birth to by PDPigs manipulation. Those who contributed to the emergence of the leadership of the Senate leadership are a majority of PDPigs and a few APC senators that was ready to sell the interest of Nigeria and APC for some palpable gains.
Recent news of the missing budget in the Senate tells much about how the senate is increasingly defining itself as an assemblage of rogues. We are aware that the President of Nigeria PMB submitted and defended his budget. We also know that after the submission of the budget the budget documents become a property of the Senate and not of the president. How will such a documents be said to be missing in the custody of the Senate? The answer is blowing in the winds and only time will expose the intention of the assemblage of rogues that makes the leadership of the senate.
Could the President have stolen the budget as speculated by some PDPigs apologists? But if we are to concede to the propagandists, what is the wisdom of the president stealing the budget when the same budget was submitted to the Green house? Or put differently, can the president actually steal the budget after copies of the budget have been made available to the membership of the senate? Was there only one copy of the budget? Was there no corresponding soft copy of the budget? Conceding that both the the budget and its soft copies was stolen, is it possible for the thief of the budget to go round the offices of every senator to steal personal copies distributed to each senator? This African magic in the Senate gets me really confused.
After assiduously trying to answer the aforementioned questions, my conclusion is that the senate is only trying to delay the passage of the budget as a ploy to frustrate the government of PMB. The PDPigs have now unveiled their plot to use the senate to destabilize the government of PMB. This appears an opening been made available by the senate to collaborate with enemies of Nigeria and corruption machines in PDPigs to fight the anti corruption mantra of Buhari change initiative.
The new enemies of Nigeria are not limited to those undergoing investigation in the various anti corruption agencies but also the rogue in the Senate. Until the rotten tooth is pooled out, the mouth must chew with caution. Nigerians must rise against the use of the senate by PDPigs to frustrate the good intentions of PMB
Joseph Odok
Social Media Change Agent, Legal Practitioner & Defender of our Democracy