Sen. Murray-Bruce makes case for Ayade's Garment Factory. Read what he said

Sen. Murray-Bruce makes case for Ayade's Garment Factory. Read what he said

L-R: Ayade & Murray-Bruce

Efio-Ita Nyok|24 October 2016

Last week Senator Ben Murray-Bruce, renowned for his 'common sense' submissions on important issues made an important observation bordering on the sowing of uniforms for use by personnel of Nigeria's Armed Forces. For Murray-Bruce, the trend of outsourcing contracts for the sowing of uniforms for military institutions to foreign firms compromises both our national security and economy.

According to the outspoken law maker, 'Not only does importing military uniforms put national security at risk, it also hurts our economy. We have firms that can see them locally!'

Murray-Bruce made this known via his twitter handle @benmurraybruce in the which he tweeted at 11:21 PM on Fri, Oct 21. His tweet immediately drew my attention to one of the pet project of Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State, namely, the Cross River Textile Industry and Garment Factory which according to sources is already sowing the personnel uniforms of the Nigerian Police Force. The capital flight that importing these uniforms from overseas would have effected on an already recessed economy would have been unprecedented.

However, considering the mystery surrounding the ownership of the Garment Factory, how we wish the GF is owned by the CRSG and by extension CRS. This is viable way the economic benefits of the GF will impact Cross Riverians directly.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of