Self-Made Millionaire and Luxury Jewelry Designer – The US Times

Based in New York, Paige Restivo is the CEO and Founder of the international jewelry brand Shop Paige NY. A brand that started as a passion project that now boasts tens of thousands of customers from around the world. A testament to the power of perseverance and passion, Restivo shares some of the details of her story with us here today.

Growing up, her dad owned a small jewelry shop in New York. “It wasn’t one of those big fancy stores, but it definitely sparked my love for jewelry and art.” As she grew older, she could never seem to shake the urge to get back into jewelry. Graduating from LIM College with a business degree, she worked various jobs from fashion retail to medical sales. “I always found myself good at sales, but I never felt satisfied with the jobs I had.” Eventually, it was time to strike out on her own. 

She worked simultaneously as the territory manager for a medical sales company and sold jewelry on the side. After just a year, her online business has grown into a full time job. In 2019, she quit her day job and went all in on the jewelry business. Now, she has reached multi-millions in sales. The biggest misconception she wants to address is that owning a business is easy. “Not everyone was supportive… First, they said I couldn’t do it, then they said I could only do it because my dad gave me guidance and money, etc…” Neither statement ended up being true. Not only did she make it in a big way, she did it by herself. No loans, no help, just old fashioned hard work and sales.

Now that she has built a brand, she has begun to build a team. While in the beginning, she wore all the hats in the business – now she has some help. “I have help from freelancers for marketing and video/photography, but most importantly I have my incredible full-time assistant and store manager, Brianna Albergo.” Although this trio has driven the brand to amazing heights. She will probably need to look for more help soon. Currently, SHOP PAIGE is one of the quickest growing jewelry brands in the US.

If you are interested in learning more about Restivo and her journey, or if you would like to view her custom jewelry for yourself, you can follow her @shoppaigeofficial or check out her website at SHOP PAIGE | New York.
