Seeing Guile turned into a candle with the Street Fighter’s flat top lit on fire is both cursed and something we now need

Seeing Guile turned into a candle with the Street Fighter's flat top lit on fire is both cursed and something we now need

It’s impossible to say that the fighting game community isn’t a very creative bunch, especially when they create true works of art like this.

Goh_Billy has a knack for making wild sprite edits like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat characters performing each others’ moves / swapping outfits, but that talent and vision carries over into creations in the real world too.

His latest invention was apparently crafting a homemade candle of Guile’s head that we’d definitely want though at the same time recognize is quite cursed.

Goh_Billy took an uncanny, front-facing sprite art of the Sonic Boom-throwing soldier and wrapped it around the candle with the wax coming out thicker and textured on top to recreate his iconic flat top hair.

He followed that up by posting a second video showing off what the candle looks like when lit, and it’s actually pretty funny to see Guile’s hair glow like that.

We are a bit worried, however, that letting it burn all the way may pose a fire hazard if his face was simply made out of paper.

It also has us wondering what a Guile candle would actually smell like, which wouldn’t be too outlandish considering Capcom has released Street Fighter colognes in the past already.

Maybe at this rate, Goh_Billy should just open up an Etsy shop to sell the most random fighting game products imagineable.
