SECURITY NEWS : Boko Haram May Abduct More School Girls, Security Expert Warns.

SECURITY NEWS : Boko Haram May Abduct More School Girls, Security Expert Warns.

By Nelson Amaobi Osuala 
10.04.2015, 09:17pm

It is now more than a year since the Chibok school girls were abducted in Borno State of Nigeria and the BRING BACK OUR GIRLS CAMPAIGN spearheaded by Oby Ezekwesili and other well meaning Nigerian women and mothers who all took to the streets of major roads in Lagos and Abuja protesting for the intervention of the Nigerian Government and her security agents , the latter, of whom they pleaded should go for a rescue operation of the abducted girls. Judging by what is now evident we therefore say without fear of contradiction, that all efforts (if indeed there were any) made to rescue the girls all proved abortive.

This consequently have resulted in most Nigerians to have unconsciously forgotten these girls in the hands of those dare devils known as Boko Haram as though they (the girls) were mere toys rather than Human.

The voices that cried during the Bring back our girls campaign seems to have all retired to their houses as there appears to be no hope and clue to the exact where abouts of the over 200 girls despite the so called rumour of them being held in the Sambissa forest.!

We have not still recovered from that unfortunate incidence another bombshell is now about to fall as if to.’add insult upon injury’ that the same Boko Boys are about to launch another deadly blow.

It is now being reported by a security experts, Dr. Ona Ekhomu, who has warned that the Boko Haram insurgents may abduct more school girls from North East, unless proactive school security measures are put in place to forestall such occurrence.

In his words.. “going by the world wide publicity and notoriety that the insurgents got from kidnapping more than 200 school girls in Chibok.  Borno state,  the controversial leader of the group, Abubakar Shekau was likely to launch such attack again with the aim of calling attention to his group despite its apparent defeat by the Nigerian military”.

In a statement issued in Lagos head of the first anniversary of the mass abduction of the girls, Ekhomu, who is president of the association of the Industrial Security And Safety 0perators Of Nigeria. (AISSON), called for the creation of standards of security to harden educational institutions against fresh terrorist attacks.

He challenged school authorities and state Government in the north to urgently design security master plans for schools in order to safeguard students and Teachers from more terrorist attacks.

Dr. Ekhomu, who described the plight of the Chibok girls as TRAGIC said : ” I’m sure that most of the girls have been given away to terrorist commanders or sold off as wives or sex slaves by Shekau”.

wether the above argument by Ekhomu is true or not, only time will tell. We therefore enjoin all stake holders to be security sensitive so as to defeat these dare Devil commandoes called Boko Haram.  Further details will emerge in succession later.