Section Head: Legal Support: Crime Detection (Brigadier) at South African Police Service (SAPS) December, 2023

Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us

Application forms specifically developed for this advertisement (containing the closing date for applications in Red on page 1), will be available from SAPS Head Office, Wachthuis Building, Thibault Arcade, 225 Pretorius Street, PRETORIA, 2nd floor, room T208. The use of any other (old) application form may result in the rejection of the application. Application forms will also be available at the Provincial Offices, Human Resource Management and on the SAPS Website:

The application form that must be used is circulated together with the advertisement and it may be requested via only one of the following e-mail addresses: [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected]

Application forms may be delivered by hand to the SAPS Head Office, Subsection: SMS Appointment Administration: Wachthuis Building, Thibault Arcade, 225 Pretorius Street, -2- PRETORIA, 2nd floor, room T208 (between 07:30 and 16:00), or may be posted to (please note that in the event that an application is posted, it must be reached at the indicated office before or on the closing date: The South African Police Service, Subsection: SMS Appointment Administration, Private Bag X986, PRETORIA, 0001

Click Here To Apply