Second Wind 2024 is happening this weekend in Wellington, New Zealand.
Notable players participating include VARREL|Rangchu, Yagami, Bobby, Zarzob, GhostChips, Panic|Kinaji, SebPro101, R!OT|Reno, JonnyBizness and more.
This event is a Challenger Event on the Tekken World Tour, so there are points on the line for any and all Tekken 8 hopefuls.
As such, Tekken 8 is the main game of the event with around 90 partcipants followed by Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at around 50 entrants and Street Fighter 6 at about 35 players.
Other tournaments which hit around 20 or more participants include Guilty Gear Strive, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising and Rivals of Aether.
Streaming is being done at Respawn Esports Centre and BTS Smash.
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All times listed are NZST.
Time Zone Conversion:
PDT: Subtract 19 hours.
EDT: Subtract 16 hours.
UTC: Subtract 12 hours.
BST: Subtract 11 hours.
CEST: Subtract 10 hours.
JST: Subtract 3 hours.