SAME SEX MARRIAGE: Cross River-Born US-Based Nigerian -Princewill Odidi React

SAME SEX MARRIAGE: Cross River-Born US-Based Nigerian -Princewill Odidi React

By Efio-Ita Nyok |19 July 2015 |6:00am

On the hills of President Buhari's state visit to the US on the invitation of President Obama and in view of the rave of the moment, namely, the legalisation of same sex marriage in the US and the intention of the West to pressurise Nigeria into accepting homosexual marriage, the social media in Nigeria has gone awash with reactions on hr subject.

Below is a reaction by a Cross Riverian, namely, Princewill Odidi, based in the US to a social media post by a public commentator Prince Thomas Abi Jr on the subject.


'The president of Nigeria has no constitutional powers to make laws. Laws are made by Nigerian congress. Buhari has no constitutional powers to even amend the laws.

I live here in America,  the majority of Americans as at present have accepted same sex marriage because of it civil rights component,  but it does not mean they accept homosexuality as a practice.

From my Christian faith, I personally detest and condemn homosexuality in all forms, but I will not go around stoning homosexuals or support sending them to jail for an emotional human weakness which in most cases some have argued it is a birth defect.

Most Americans feel what two men do in their bedroom is no man's business. Homosexuality will not in anyway come in the discussion between both presidents. If at all it comes in, it can only come in, in the context of abuse of human rights, that is, sending people to jail for engaging in an act the rest of society disapprove.

There was a time in America when black men were hung on trees and killed because a white woman complained that the black man looked at her lustfully when she passed by. By then white Americans approved the killings. Today, society has outgrown that and we have interracial marriages. 

But let us get it straight,  an approval for legal recognition of Unions of same sex as constitutional in the context of fundamental human rights does not necessarily translate to a moral acceptance that homosexuality is proper.

Rest your fears, it is a state visit. It's more about security, and Western geopolitical , economic and military alignment in international strategic relations among nations. Meaning, pro West  diplomacy instead of Pro Russian- Chinese relations which Jonathan introduced Nigeria to, and which actually cost him a second term and the American grievances with Nigeria. This Buhari visit, is a fence mending visit.

Staying at Presidential guest house, is not an invitation to homosexuality, it is a brotherly fraternity  in this games nations play.'