Saint of the day: Margaret of Antioch

St. Margaret of Antioch belonged to Pisidian Antioch in Asia Minor, where her father was a pagan priest. Her mother died shortly after Margaret was born, so she was nursed by a pious woman who lived near Antioch. When Margaret embraced Christianity and took a vow of chastity, her father disowned her, and her nurse adopted her. 

One day while Margaret was watching the flocks of her mistress, a Roman prefect named Olybrius saw her, and was attracted to her great beauty. He tried to make Margaret his concubine or wife, but none of his offers or threats could sway her. Angry, Olybrius brought her before public trial at Antioch. 

Margaret was threatened with death unless she renounced her Christian faith. When she refused, her captors tried to burn her, but the flames did not burn her. She was then bound hand and foot and thrown into boiling water, but at her prayer, her bonds were broken and she stood uninjured. Finally the prefect ordered that she be beheaded. 

St. Margaret died a virgin and martyr. She is honored in the Greek Church under the name Marine on July 13, and in the Latin as Margaret on July 20.
