Saint of the day: Josemaría Escrivá

St. Josemaría Escrivá was born in Spain in 1902. His family was very pious, and at an early age, he developed a strong prayer life, with a deep devotion to Mary. He often asked Mary to intercede for him with God.

Josemaría was ordained as a priest in 1925. He taught law to support his mother and sister, while working to serve children, students, and others in need.

On a retreat, Josemaría had a vision of God’s mission for him, which was Opus Dei (“the work of God”). Opus Dei set forth a spiritual and vocational path for lay people, and became the focus of Josemaría’s life.

He moved to Rome in 1946, and received recognition from Pope Pius XII for Opus Dei. He continued to work hard to guide people and expand the work of Opus Dei throughout the world.

Josemaría died on June 26, 1975, of a heart attack. He was canonized in 2002 by Pope St. John Paul II.
