Saint of the day: Boniface I, pope

Not much is known about the early life of St. Boniface, whom the Church remembers on September 4. He was elected pope on December 28, 418. It’s believed that he was ordained to the priesthood by Pope Damasus I, and was a representative of Innocent I in Constantinople.

After the death of Pope Zosimus in 418, Boniface and Eulalius were both elected pope, and sent to Rome until the one pope could be determined. Boniface followed these instructions and was recognized as the legitimate pope.

Boniface was known for his charity and his knowledge. He worked hard to bring reform and eliminate corrupt practices, including privileges given to some bishops. St. Augustine dedicated several works to Boniface after he supported him in the fight against Pelagianism.

St. Boniface died in Rome on September 4, 422.
