Saint of the day: Blessed Jolenta of Poland

Blessed Jolenta (Yolanda) was the daughter of King Bela IV of Hungary. Her sister, St. Kunigunde, was married to the duke of Poland. Jolenta went to Poland with her sister to supervise her education, and was eventually married to the Duke of Greater Poland, Boleslaus.

Jolenta used her position and her wealth to help the poor, sick, widowed and orphaned. Her husband earned the nickname “the Pious,” helping her build hospitals, convents, and churches. When he died, and two of her daughters were married, Jolenta and her third daughter entered the convent of the Poor Clares. They were forced to move to another convent during a war, and Jolenta was made abbess.

Jolenta was well-known for her pious example and her service to her Franciscan sisters. She was devoted to the Passion of Christ, and received a vision from Jesus, telling her of her own death. Many miracles are said to have occurred at her grave.
